Recruitment services - Iceland

Kollegi - Recruitment tips
It is good to think keep a few things in mind
Experience has shown us at Kollegi that companies and employees that are well prepared for the arrival to Iceland are most likely to reap a good employment relationship.
Residence - Fundamentals:
Where will the employee live?
Does the employer provide an apartment / room? - For payment or included in the salary?
Will the employer help the employee find housing?
Getting to work:
Is there good transport between the employee's home and the workplace?
Can an employee use public transportation to get to work?
Can an employee get a ride with other employees?
Reception at the workplace:
Is there a contact person assigned to welcome a new employee?
What language does the contact person speak?
Will the contact person introduce the employee to the company and train him in the job?
Will the contact person assist the employee with the various issues and questions that may arise?
Are there any special circumstances that a new employee should know about before he / she arrives? Heat, weather, clothing